
Hello and a warm welcome, Gorgeous!

I'm Dr. Nave, your trusted companion on the path to thriving in menopause. We are absolutely thrilled that you've chosen FullJoy Wellness to be part of your journey towards an improved quality of life. Aging is a privilege, and we hope that we can make this phase of your life less lonely, less confusing, less painful, and certainly less scary. We understand that sometimes, your concerns can feel invisible, but here at FullJoy Wellness, we see you, we hear you, and we're here to support you.

Photo of a smiling Dr Nave holding an opened book to her face

Personal Connection

Before embarking on my journey through naturopathic medical school, some of my fondest memories involved spending time with women who were older than me. We would share laughter, discuss style, food, and I would soak up their priceless wisdom on a multitude of topics. During my medical school years, I delved deep into the study of hormones and their intricate connection to mental, emotional, and physical health. Along the way, I couldn't help but notice the glaring disparities in healthcare between men and women.

Becoming an Advocate

This realization compelled me to learn more about the unique challenges and conditions that women experience. It also inspired me to train other clinicians and actively participate in national women's health advocacy initiatives.

Your Expert in Natural Menopause Solutions

Menopause isn't just about your menstrual cycle; it affects your heart, joints, sexual health, mental well-being, skin, and even your hair health. As a licensed naturopathic medical doctor, my training includes in-depth knowledge of pharmacology (how drugs impact the body), botanical medicine (the effects of herbs on the body), homeopathy, and over 100 hours of nutrition (the role of food as medicine).

Photo of a maze

Navigating the Information Maze

You may have encountered countless articles on natural therapies for menopause while surfing the internet, but sometimes they can be ineffective, produce undesirable side effects, or even interact negatively with your medications.

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Make a Difference

Menopause solutions can encompass a wide range of approaches, from hormone therapy to nutrition, antidepressants, homeopathy, nutritional supplements, lab tests, and herbal remedies. As your in-house expert on menopause, I highly value your unique experiences and expertise in your own body. What you can expect from us is careful, evidence-based, and comprehensive guidance on the medical uses, contraindications, dosages, interactions, and therapeutic forms of both your natural and pharmaceutical options.

Unlocking a World of Possibilities

Remember, your life is so much more than your menopause experience. Once you unlock the potential within you, it becomes a world brimming with endless possibilities!



Menopause: What Every person Should Know


Overcoming Winter Blues