Our sessions will be

  • Customized

    Our sessions are all about you - unique and customized. While we share common experiences, your specific combination of symptoms, goals, and aspirations deserves a wellness plan that's just as exceptional.

  • Integrative

    Wellness is a collaborative journey. We team up with your healthcare providers to adopt a holistic perspective encompassing your symptoms, medications, mental health, physical well-being, and life objectives.

  • Collaborative

    We're not just consultants; we're partners in your journey to better health. Together, we explore, empathize, and craft a personalized plan aimed at achieving the quality of life you've always desired

Go FRom awful to amazing

How you’ll feel

more confident, Calm, clear, and Courageous, like a fulfilled you.

What to expect

Personalized 1-on-1 Consultations for Your Well-Being

At FullJoy Wellness, our consultations are tailored to you, ensuring that you receive the individualized care you deserve.

Comprehensive Health Assessment

Our sessions begin with a thorough wellness assessment. We delve into your health history, family health trends, and past treatments, providing a holistic view of your well-being.

Symptom Journaling for Insights

We encourage you to keep a symptom journal, helping us connect your symptoms with your daily habits and routines. This insight is invaluable in crafting a personalized plan.

Education and Recommendations

Receive a customized education on lab results and recommendations. We provide in-depth information to empower you on your wellness journey.

Holistic Solutions

Our approach is holistic, encompassing herbs, nutrition, supplements, movement, and referrals. We consider the full spectrum of well-being for a comprehensive solution.

Practical Tools and Tips

We equip you with practical tools, tips, and tricks to navigate any unique obstacles. These resources empower you to take control of your health.

Seamless Collaboration

We collaborate closely with your other healthcare providers, ensuring a seamless and integrated approach to your well-being.

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Do you accept insurance?

At FullJoy Wellness, we offer flexible payment options. You can use your FSA, HSA, or various other payment methods for our consultations. Moreover, we collaborate with your healthcare providers to ensure that some of our services, including lab testing, may qualify for insurance coverage.

Do you prescribe HRT?

Our approach to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is collaborative and client-centered. We work closely with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or gynecologist to assess your specific needs and, when appropriate, recommend and advocate for HRT. Your well-being and comfort are our priorities.

Can I see you if I’m on medications?

Absolutely, and it's a crucial part of our approach. We consider your current prescriptions and diagnoses when creating your wellness plan. This ensures that there are no contraindications or adverse effects, and that your wellness journey is safe and effective.