Cultivating Resilience

Navigating Stress for a Healthier You

Stressed woman looking out the window

Understanding the Stress Story

You've probably heard the saying that "stress kills," but there's more to this story than meets the eye. Stress is a natural response to changes in our environment, whether it's the sunrise, hunger, or a sudden loud noise.

In its acute form, stress triggers the release of adrenaline from your adrenal glands, providing an initial burst of focus and energy to face the world. Adrenaline, however, is short-lived, and that's when cortisol, another hormone produced by the adrenal glands, steps in.

Cortisol optimises energy use by enhancing the conversion of stored energy, improving blood flow to vital areas like the brain, eyes, and limbs, and boosting immune function.

The Chronic Stress Conundrum

When we encounter trauma, endure multiple acute stresses over time, or live with sustained stress, our body's stress response becomes chronic and harmful.

Chronic stress or trauma increases the risk of chronic conditions and leads to decreased insulin sensitivity, resulting in higher blood sugar levels, thicker blood consistency, irritated small nerves, and inflamed small blood vessels. This combination of factors can contribute to a range of health issues, including:

  1. High Blood Pressure

  2. High Cholesterol

  3. Metabolic Syndrome

  4. Narrowed Blood Vessels

  5. The Unwanted 3 O'Clock Slump

  6. Chest Pain During Physical Exertion

  7. Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

  8. Stroke

  9. Heart Attack

  10. Paresthesia (Numbness and Tingling)

But what might this mean for you? You may observe:

  • Difficulty Focusing or Forgetfulness (commonly known as "Why did I come into this room again?" syndrome)

  • Feeling both Wired and Tired

  • Experiencing Hangriness, Irritability, or Mood Swings

  • Dealing with Upset Stomach or Eating Difficulties

  • Encountering Painful Menstrual Cycles

  • Battling Headaches, Migraines, Muscle Tension, or Joint Pain

  • Finding that your trusty 3 O’Clock Coffee Pick-Me-Up is no longer effective

  • Witnessing Unintentional Weight Gain Around Your Abdomen, often referred to as stubborn belly fat

  • Falling ill more frequently with a slower recovery process

These signs can indicate a need for attention and care to ensure your well-being.

Group of three smiling middle aged women

Building Resilience

Fortunately, we have the power to transform our relationship with stress and foster resilience. Here are some strategies to help you on this journey:

Create Healthy Boundaries

Recognize when it's time to leave toxic relationships or jobs that contribute to chronic stress.

Discharge Stress

Learn to process stress through healthy outlets like crying, physical movement, or other creative expressions.

Connect with Community

Consider therapy or support groups to share your experiences and find support.

Engage in Self-Care

Prioritise regular, quality sleep and maintain a balanced diet filled with a variety of colourful, nutritious, enjoyable foods.

Interested in Exploring Further?

If you're curious about how your hormones and mood can impact your heart health during perimenopause and beyond, let’s connect! 🤩

Until next time, remember to keep shining! ✨

Blessings and nuff love,

Dr. Nave


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