Unlocking Intimacy: Secrets to deep connection


Menopause is a transformative phase that can bring about changes in physical intimacy, but it's also an opportunity for a renewed passion that surpasses the experiences of our youth. Just like savoring your favorite gourmet meal or slipping into luxurious clothing, achieving fulfilling intimacy in this phase requires dedicated commitment and open communication.

Youth vs Wisdom

In our younger years, the responsiveness of our bodies compensated for any lack of confidence or communication skills. However, the journey through menopause offers a chance to embrace a more profound wisdom, self-assuredness, and vulnerability, which can contribute to even more fulfilling physical connections.

To truly understand this, let's focus on the essence of intimacy. Intimacy extends beyond the physical and starts with the mind and heart. It demands a deeper mental and emotional connection with your partner, involving genuine concern, shared investment in each other's lives, hopes, worries, and dreams.


As we transition from roles like young parents to empty nesters or from work supervisors to retirees, many of us will face an identity crisis. The midlife "who am I" pondering stems from evolving away from who you were amid the demands of children and careers. Now, with the dust settled, it's common to feel like strangers to yourself and or intimate partner.

Time is slippery, and intentional effort is needed to reconnect. Deeper conversations about your shared experiences and feelings become vital. If you are in a long-term relationship or marriage, it may be tempting to seek comfort outside of the relationship, however; reestablishing connection with your partner is a powerful endeavor worth exploring.

Tips for Rediscovering Passion

Slip and Slide Aids

Hormonal changes during perimenopause to post-menopause can impact the skin's elasticity. As estrogen, a key hormone drops, skin becomes thinner, more frail, and more prone to bleeding. Consider water-based or silicone body safe lubricants with physical contraception or non-allergenic options like coconut oil or cocoa butter to ensure a pain-free and pleasurable experience.

Embodying Emotions

During sensual encounters many emotions may occur all at once that may seem conflicting. It’s important to acknowledge the emotions that arise and listen to your body's signals. A way to ease into this, is practicing this solo to gauge and categorize the emotions that arise with arousal and unpack them by journaling your thoughts and feelings about the experience.

Consider working with your therapist to unpack any feelings that may arise to provide language and a judgement free space to process.

Communication as Key

Prioritize safety and foster exploration through open communication. The traffic light system is a simple yet effective approach to express boundaries or desires for relational connection, sexual desire, and arousal.

Red signifies a firm "no," yellow indicates hesitation, and green signals a resounding "yes." Respecting and honoring these boundaries is crucial for a fulfilling experience. Fully embrace the greens to your heart's and mind's content, while also taking a moment to reflect on any yellow signals for further assessment.

For additional guidance and support, consider seeking assistance from a licensed sex or marriage and family therapist. They can offer invaluable insights and resources to enhance your intimacy journey.

Hormone and Hydration Support

Unlock the potential of localized treatments such as hormone or hydration therapy to nurture urinary and vaginal wellness proactively. This strategic approach effectively addresses common issues like infections, itching, and discomfort associated with aging.

Localized hormone replacement therapy (HRT) offers various forms, revitalizing the elasticity and moisture of urinary and genital tissues, thereby alleviating discomfort and irritation. Estriol, a naturally occurring estrogen, is one such hormone type that replenishes estrogen levels directly to the vaginal region without heightening risks of breast cancer, blood clots, or hypertension. Research also highlights Estriol's effectiveness in addressing recurring urinary tract infections.

Non-hormonal options like Bezwecken cubes or wild yam hydration pellets are cost-effective and often the initial line of treatment, especially for individuals who have had breast cancer or other hormone-responsive cancers. However, if non-hormonal treatments do not yield the desired response, localized HRT remains a viable option.

With numerous options available to suit your lifestyle, budget, and desired outcomes, there's no need for suffering to become your norm.


In the ongoing journey of living, growing, and changing; menopause can be a gateway to discovering passion anew. Embrace your sensuality, ignite the embers of passion, and navigate this phase with confidence! This guide to intimacy may not always result in fire works but will keep the embers burning for years to come.

In our next two posts we’ll be highlighting rediscovering sensuality for those who are single and ready to mingle, as well as an article for women looking to reconnect in their intimate relationships.

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